Chronicling the experience of a New England Family spending a year living in the Loire Valley of France.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

No News is Boring News

I have no news. I hate the fact that I have no news. It's been two weeks of life as usual around here and it feels oddly unusual.

We are essentially stuck waiting for the end of this month to roll around, because P&S can't fully commit until then. Assuming they are still a go by the end of next week, we will then need to finalize our exchange contract and settle on a tentative departure date so that we can apply for our visas. Right now, I feel like there isn't any point in doing too much of the paperwork required for that until I know for certain we are going and when. So instead this week I have taken a look at all the household cleaning that needs to happen and devised a cleaning schedule which I am sure will work great for the next week or so, but will be speedily discarded once I can focus on something more exciting (like filing out paperwork). In theory my house will still end up moderately cleaner than it was before, so that's progress I guess.

Thank God for Holy Week and it's distractions. (What a horrible sentiment about the most important week of the Christian calendar!) How does the traditional Passover Seder end? With a shout from everyone, "Next Year in Jerusalem!"

I'll settle for France.

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