Chronicling the experience of a New England Family spending a year living in the Loire Valley of France.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

French Music

Vivi and I are familiarizing ourselves with the French Music Scene, and let me tell you, there is some seriously fun stuff over here! Here are two of our current favorites.

The first, "Elle m'a dit," is actually by a British pop star, Mika. The video is just great fun. We love it. "Elle m'a dit danse, danse, danse, danse.

The next one is so funny. We've heard it at two parties now (technically the only two parties we've attended) and everybody gets out and does the dance like it is the Electric Slide of Cravant. It is such a crazy dance and is SO MUCH FUN. Learn it. There will be a test when I get home.


  1. I love this first song. And will proudly blast it. The second video makes me embarrassed for those people. Just make them stop.

  2. Lauryn - I KNEW you would love that song! The video totally makes me think of you. But what do you have against jump rope? lol - The words to the 2nd "Corde a saute ay ay, corde a saute ay ay, mais fait doucement, mais fait doucement" - it is so funny. And to watch a group of mildly intoxicated people attempting the moves is nothing short of hilarious. You're totally missing out.

  3. Oh - I have no problem with it being hilarious. I just can't take the amateur dancing seriously...especially in a water fountain. Let's revert back to the beginning of a Friends episode, shall we? lol.

  4. The hip thrusts? Do you really want to test us on that? lol. Dan will ace it. LOL. JK. What the heck are they singing about? Is the first song, "She says to me?" (Using my high-school French here.)

  5. The first one is a guy singing about all the things his mother has said to him - things like, "what's the matter with you? Why are you wasting your life? Why don't you write a happy song? You will make millions and end way better than your father did. You shouldn't sit in front of that internet all day, it's bad for your brain." - You know, the usual mom drill. lol

    The second one is basically utter nonsense. "Jump rope, jump rope. But go slowly, go slowly. Position 1 2 - It's beautiful. Machine gun right, machine gun left." - Very dumb. But that's why I like it. :-)

  6. Isn't it enough that I watched and enjoyed? I have two left feet :)

  7. OK back to watching these again! Spending some time here on your blog this morning thinking of you and wondering about all the same questions everyone asked in your ?march? post. Even though I have no idea what the words are in the first one, I think it's fun to watch and the 2nd still makes me laugh!
