Chronicling the experience of a New England Family spending a year living in the Loire Valley of France.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I am honestly annoyed by my lack of posting this winter. It is absolutely reflective of two things:
A. We haven't really been doing much, other than daily living.
B. I've been so homesick and bored (in part because of "A"), the last thing I've wanted to do is write about how much of nothing we've been doing.

But, now that the weather is improving, friends and family are visiting, and there's an end in sight, I want to start writing again. However, I thought it would be fun to seek "topic" ideas from my readers (assuming I have a couple). SO - Post a question or an idea of something you would like to hear about regarding our time here and I promise to address it in a post in the near future! You are absolutely permitted to view this as a really lame way for me to break through a writer's block.

Thanks for your help!


  1. about what makes this whole experience all worth it? I know that may sound like an obvious "duh!" kinda question, but what makes you guys keep going when all you want to do is come home (besides the logistical stuff)? What makes it almost *not* worth it? And what concerns do you have for transitioning back to daily life in the States? How do you feel this experience has changed you/your family? I know, these are the kind of questions that make your head hurt, huh? ;-)

  2. You could answer this question I posted on your blog...maybe you didn't see it..."I was thinking about you today and wondering if you have disspelled any false assumptions about Americans that the people you've met there might have had. Has anyone mentioned it?"
    Also, have you heard from the people you swapped with? How are they coping? Are they enjoying the experience as much as they thought they would?

  3. I was thinking along the lines of what Michelle asked. Do you feel that the experience has been worthwhile or because you are homesick, perhaps one year is too long. Do you think the French feel you are just "those Americans, living here, but not really engaged in their lifestyle"? I look forward to more blogs, spring is here and you will certainly have a more positive attitude once you are fully into nicer weather! See you soon!!!

  4. Thanks Ladies! I will start typing away tomorrow - or maybe Monday while the kids are in school. :-)

  5. How about keep a notebook handy for a week and jot down (as the ideas occur to you) the things you are going to miss about France and your everyday life there once you get home...Then maybe do the same thing a month or so before you leave...


  6. Crystal beat me to the punch but here's my biggie: How do you feel this experience has changed you/your family?

  7. Was it what you expected? I'm sure the answer to that is a 'yes' and a 'no' so in what ways did it meet/exceed your expectations and in what ways did it fall flat?
    Would you do it again if given the chance or is there really "No place like home"?
