Chronicling the experience of a New England Family spending a year living in the Loire Valley of France.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Our Easter Dance

Here's the dance Vivi and I did for Easter. If you think it is good then we can only give credit to God, because for so many reasons it was so close to failing completely. It is a miracle people at church were moved by it. If you think it did fail, well then here's why:
  1. I completely changed WHO was doing the dance three times within three weeks prior to performing.
  2. I completely changed HOW the dance was going to be done two weeks before the date, adding the flags.
  3. After a week of searching and not finding what I needed for flags, I went and made my own. I went through half the alphabet of "Plans" before finally and frantically rigging up window valences with rubber bands and dowel rods.
  4. The week leading up to the show we had two B&B guests (friends of my mom and dad), and two different groups of friends/family visiting staying in the main house.
  5. Vivi was sick two days before.
  6. And lastly, I've never danced with flags before and had no access to a dance studio to see what I was doing, so I could only go by David, Bo and Vivi's input as to whether anything looked good or not.
Given all that, I personally am very happy with the end result. But I absolutely admit to being a nervous wreck over it.

Translation of the words:

On the way to Calvary
To the Mount of Golgotha,
The soldiers are trying to blaze a trail
But the crowd gathers
To see who dies on the cross.

He must suffer the insults,
Blood flows from his back
A crown of thorns on his brow,
He faces at each step,
The hatred of those who want his death.

On the way to Suffering
Leading to Golgotha,
Like a lamb, Jesus is the Messiah.

Because he chose to walk
By Love for you, for me,

On this path of suffering
Until the end, until the cross.

His precious blood that cleanses us
Flowing on the ground of Jerusalem!

On this path of Suffering
Leading to Golgotha,
Like a lamb, Jesus is the M

Because he chose to walk
By Love for you, for me,
On this path of suffering
Until the end, until the cross.


  1. WOW! Beautiful...Amazing all you went through and then to see the end results...great job!! I like having the translation as well!

  2. loved the change in colors of flags. very significant.

  3. The last anonymous was me, mom

  4. I saw it twice, in live, and very moved each time! Your are a benediction for the church!
    Marie-Pierre ;-) (good english????)

  5. Awwwwww... merci beaucoup Marie-Pierre! Et oui, votre anglais est fantastique! (Mais je crois "benediction" est trop formale - "blessing" est mieux, en mon avie.)

    Thanks, Mom! The change of flag colors was the pastor's idea. He wanted me to also have black at the beginning to symbolize sin, then switch to red for the blood, but I couldn't find black curtains. I guess that's too gauche for this area! lol
