Chronicling the experience of a New England Family spending a year living in the Loire Valley of France.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Joyeux Paques!

Well, despite Vivi, Bo and I being sick off and on this past week with some evil stomach thing, we managed to thoroughly enjoy both having company and celebrating our resurrected Lord. Specifically for Easter we managed to dance at our Good Friday Service at church (video to be posted soon), enjoy local Easter gifts (see video below), dye eggs, and go to an Easter egg hunt at the tallest chateau in France, Chateau Brissac. Minus the vomiting episodes, it was some pretty good memory-making, I'd say!

Some shots from the Easter Egg Hunt:

This is Chateau Brissac. The hunt was in the forest on the castle grounds.

Here are Bo & Vivi hunting for eggs in the woods with all the other families. There were boatloads of people there. At first we thought we wouldn't find very many eggs - it was slow going. But then we discovered there were people disguised as hunters who were actually "replenishers" going around very stealthfully dropping new batches of eggs to be found! It got a lot easier after that!

We walked away with over 85 eggs. The official final count is under review because of unauthorized "taste-testing."

And finally, our annual egg-coloring tradition. We used a tarp on the floor because I was nervous we would stain the tiles. This year I learned I like coloring brown eggs better - they come out a gorgeous muted, earthy tone.


  1. Oh what a thrill to watch your video and see these pics.!!!! Awesome awesome awesome! Please put more video and pics. up!!! I can't imagine what your Easter scrapbook pagessssss will look like this year...GREAT memory maker this year!

  2. Beautiful! The castle is beautiful, the eggs are beautiful, you guys are beautiful! How are you going to stand coming home after being steeped in so much beauty? Oh, right, I'm here! :D

  3. No castle or egg in the world compares to the beauty of friendship. As far as our beauty goes, well... that's only a different story on a good hair day, which I haven't had for some time now. (They should make a Story People out of what I just wrote.) xoxo

    I REALLY liked doing the video and will definitely do that again - nothing like instant gratification to get me to commit! lol

  4. Thanks for everything you blog. Makes missing you a little easier. Hope you are all feeling well now. Miss you. Love and hugs, Vickie

  5. That is the BIGGEST Kinder egg I have ever seen. 10 years makes a big difference. The eggs just keep getting bigger!!
    Thanks for sharing! Enjoy the differences, there is not much time left until you return....
