Chronicling the experience of a New England Family spending a year living in the Loire Valley of France.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Discipline + Blessing = France

We heard back from P&S today! They were away (I am pretty sure someone suggested as much to me when I was having an aloud panic moment).

We took this week to do another perusal of our finances to make sure we aren't getting in over our heads. It is going to be tight, but doable. The tough part will be that we probably won't get to do and see all we would want (there probably won't be any week-trips to Craiova, Romania for example), but in the end it is still so worth it to go. It is a relief knowing we will make it, but a little scary to know how close we are cutting it.

I have to insert this "side" plug for FPU:
For anyone considering doing something like this, I can't recommend more highly that you get yourselves on a budget before you go. Two years ago we started Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University and the application of his principles was absolutely instrumental in making this endeavor possible. We have lived on a budget ever since, which meant we could easily calculate what we would spend overseas for the 10 months. It also made it really easy to see where we could find "extra" money to cover the exchange rate and inflated European prices.

After all that budget analysis to determine that while we can do this we will have to be financially very careful, the email from P&S today revealed their hopes of "hiring" me to run their B&B while we are there! God is so good. He seems to keep saying every step of the way, "Will you stop worrying about this?! I've got it covered!" There will be a lot of details to work out with them if I am actually going to work for them, but I am really excited about the possibility. I've always wanted to run a B&B! What fun! PLUS - maybe it will give us enough extra spending money to take some extended trips - French Riviera anyone? Italy? Romania? (Here's where David would scold me for getting way ahead of myself, so I'll stop there.)

I hope it isn't prideful to think that God is rewarding us for our discipline in living on a budget by providing this possible additional income while we are there. It seriously feels like a present specially delivered straight from Him.

Tomorrow - we apply for passports. YIPPIE!

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