Chronicling the experience of a New England Family spending a year living in the Loire Valley of France.

Friday, March 18, 2011

If It's France or the Cat, I choose France

Our 13 year old cat has been progressively losing weight. At first we attributed this to the absence of my mother-in-law (confirming that Meme had been sneaking additional meals to Cona), but when the pounds continued to shed faster than a Jenny Craig commercial, we had to consider the possibility that something might be wrong.

I didn't want P&S (or any other French family) to have to deal with her getting sicker while she was under their care next year, so we figured we should take her now and get her good and healthy before we leave. Toward that end, we finally broke down and took her to the vet this week.

When the vet presented me with her recommendations about what tests to run I about needed my own physical as I am sure my blood pressure shot through the roof.
THREE HUNDRED SIXTY-FOUR DOLLARS just to try to determine what is wrong, let alone treat her! Where the total bill amount was listed on the form they gave me, I instead saw the words "Two French Visas." THEN they proceeded to explain to me that, if their suspicions were correct and she has hyperthyroidism, she would need routine blood work every six months and she would be on medication for the rest of her life. I may not be good at crunching numbers, but even I could figure out that meant a minimum of $700 a year on vet bills (there goes a plane ticket).

Call me cruel, report me to PITA, do whatever you want. But I abruptly turned and walked out (still having to pay $88 just to have them tell me how much money it was going to cost me to have her diagnosed!!!).

Plan B - Lay hands on the cat and pray for Healing and wait to see what happens.

Plan C - Well, let's just say Cona would get to meet Jesus before the rest of us. (The introduction would be humane, so don't flip out on me.)

Sorry Cona, but if I have to choose between a year in France or dropping a minimum of $700 per year for every year you live from now on, I'm choosing France.

Love ya, old girl.

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