Chronicling the experience of a New England Family spending a year living in the Loire Valley of France.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Irrational Fears

(Not in any particular order)

1. Crystal, Beverly and the Kajiji Girls will never forgive me for leaving for 10-12 months and our friendship will suffer.

2. Someone - terrorists, Lybia, radical Muslims, anyone - will bomb Paris (or take over the city) and we won't be able to get home.

3. The U.S. economy will collapse while we are gone and then what?

4. Someone else will start leading my Thursday night Bible study group and do a better job.

5. My Thursday night Bible study group won't keep meeting and won't want to meet anymore when I get back.

6. We won't have enough money to do this or we will only have enough to get there and survive - which means we won't get to go anywhere or see anything while we are there.

7. Everyone will hate us because we are Americans.

8. My children will be traumatized to be ripped away from their friends and need therapy at some point as a result.

9. Something will happen to my mom or dad while we're there and I won't be able to do a darn thing to help or support them.

10. P&S will hate it here so much that they insist on breaking the contract and coming home early.

I will post more as they occur. Actually, I could keep going now, but certainly don't want to send myself headlong into a full-blown irrational panic attack. Apparently I have no lack of supply in this department. But at least I still have a sense of humor about it. I'll be the first to call myself a neurotic, Type A, OCD head case.

(Go ahead. Feel badly for my poor husband. He deserves the sentiment.)

1 comment:

  1. Should I tell you there is nothing to worry about or add to your worries so you'll cancel your trip? Hmmmm
