Chronicling the experience of a New England Family spending a year living in the Loire Valley of France.

Friday, September 2, 2011

My Glamourous French Life

I thought I would share this just in case anyone thinks I'm living the high-life over here. Blanchette the chicken gets a little confused from time to time and starts brooding. Sylvie instructed me to put her in a separate box with no food or water for two days. So, in my best Supernanny voice I announced to Blanchette we just don't do these things and she is being naughty.

"If you keep it up, Blanchette, you're going to have to go into the 'Naughty Box.' We don't want that now do we? Nooooo, Blanchette. Get off the nest. Come on."

Well, she is a chicken after all, so she listens about as well as those kids on that show. Into the Naughty Box she goes for two days of solitary.

I bet if Supernanny used a "naughty box" she'd get much faster results. Just saying.


  1. I guess it would help if I knew what brooding was-haha! ...and maybe Blanchette only speaks French? :)

  2. We have the same kind of little fluffy "silkie" chicken and they are PRONE to this broodiness as a breed. Never tried a naughty box. We just keep taking her off the eggs and putting her outside. Usually she just waddles back in the coop and back to her spot. Can take weeks to get over it with this approach. Hmmm... maybe I'll try Silvie's way.

  3. Brooding is when a chicken sits on her eggs with the intention of hatching them. This is great if they are fertilized and the desired outcome is more chickens. Not so good for the desired outcome of omeletes though.
