Chronicling the experience of a New England Family spending a year living in the Loire Valley of France.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day Six and the Wall

I've hit my wall. I'm feeling very done and I don't want to do any of this anymore. By "this" I mean packing, cleaning, organizing, planning, thinking....

As a result, today's productivity level isn't all that impressive. I slept in until 8AM - which is a hallelujah, praise the Lord miracle. Then I scampered around so as to get the kids to VBS by 8:45. We figured having the kids have something to do with some of their friends every morning this week would be really good for all of us - they'll have some fun time, I'll have some interruption-free work time. While they were gone I ate breakfast, picked up two dear friends and two of my dear God-children and we ran errands. I got another piece of luggage for SIX BUCKS at Savers! Woo-hoo!

Stopped off at home to unload stuff before I went to get the kids, then lunch, then I worked on packing some carry-on luggage and figuring out what could get shipped over. We are shipping over our winter outerwear, my knitting supplies and some Wildtree Herb products so we have some guarantee of eating something familiar from time to time. We shall see if we will need to ship more soon.

At some point in the midst of that one of my best friends came over to help and so her daughter and Vivi could play. Poor Beverly caught me at a point when I was ready to just curl up in a ball and hum for a few hours. But she helped me rally and we finished those projects and packed Bo's suitcase, as well as stored up some of our stuff we aren't taking. Then we just visited. Which was wonderful, but bittersweet.

The part I hate the most about this adventure is that everyone's lives here will keep on going like always and I won't be here to be a part of it. Beverly is being baptized the end of the month and I won't be there to cry through the whole thing. (I am such a sucker for baptisms.) Then she is moving and I won't be here to help her pack (something I love doing), help her organize her new spaces (something I love doing even more), or help her paint and decorate (my favorite). Plus my newest God-son will spend the first year of his life doing all those first-year-of-life-firsts and I will miss them all. This is a very short example of a very long list of stuff I won't be around for.

I don't want to sound ungrateful or disappointed. I brought this upon myself and we are, after all, about to spend a year living in France! But there are people I will miss so much it hurts and no amount of French wine or visits to Paris can change that. (But I suppose it will be fun trying!)

Anyway - this evening David and I go out to celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary. We certainly never could have dreamed our 15th year would be spent in France. But, this will be our last date for a looooooong time as we don't figure on having trusted childcare all that quickly overseas. So I sure hope we can find something to talk about other than the stresses of this temporary move. :-) I don't anticipate being all that "productive" when we get back, so I am assuming it is safe to post today's account a little early. ;-)

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