Chronicling the experience of a New England Family spending a year living in the Loire Valley of France.

Friday, August 12, 2011

On Our Own

Our first day on our own wasn't spent very adventuresome. David worked. I organized and unpacked. The kids discovered all the new toys and played and played and played.

I got to Skype with my mom and dad, IM with one dear friend and Skype with a couple more. I can already tell these times will become oases of rest and relaxation for me. Not that I expect we will have a hectic schedule, but when even a simple task like going for groceries requires a GPS, map, language dictionary, and massive amounts of translation effort to even know what toppings are on a frozen pizza, mental breaks come in handy now and then.

I know this to be true already because at 6:30 tonight we figured out we didn't have anything in the house that would work for dinner. Not a thing. Not even a french thing. Sooooo.... we piled into the car with the above mentioned accoutrements and headed in the direction of Chinon. Thank God Sylvie had driven me around yesterday, even if just briefly and at a rapid speed, or we would have been completely lost in a matter of seconds. After driving the long way - through downtown - to get to the Leclerc (similar to a super Wal-mart back home) - we filed into the store and walked around until we found enough supplies to get us through dinner and breakfast tomorrow. How pathetic are we that this was our very first purchase in France??

We were so relieved to see prices very comparable to the US. Sure hope it stays that way!
2-pack of Frozen Pizza: 3.69 e = $ 5.54
12 pack of Ice cream novelties: 1.98 e = $ 2.97
Mega size box of cereal: 1.69 e = $2.54
lg jar of Nutella: 3.54 e = $5.31

We finally ate dinner around 8pm (so much for getting the kids to bed on time, again). Tomorrow we hope to take the day to tour Chinon with no agenda and end it with another trip to Leclerc to stock up on food supplies. I'll post pictures tomorrow night(of Chinon, not our food supplies)! And I know I promised photos of the house, but I need to finish cleaning it up first! Here's part of the terrace where we take every meal weather permits because there are NO BUGS (except flies and the occasional bee).


  1. For some reason I never get the pictures you post on your blog....and I really want to see these ones!

  2. Help! Anyone know why photos aren't visible? I don't know what to do to fix this. Hmph.

  3. Michelle's computer is apparently racist... It must only speak Spanish.

  4. Glad to see you guys getting settled. Your experiences so far bring back lots of memories. We had to be driven to the grocery the first few times because we had not yet learned to drive standard.

    Fast forward 3 years to our return to the US - it took about six months to break the habit of whispering to each other in stores.

    More pictures of food!!! Or even Leclerc pictures! :-)

