Chronicling the experience of a New England Family spending a year living in the Loire Valley of France.

Monday, August 8, 2011

A Day to Go and A Boatload To Do

Woah. Did a whole day go by yesterday? Are we sure there wasn't some weird time & space hiccup that cost major hours to be lost?????

I refuse to give an account. Let's just say David and I did A LOT. And there is still A LOT to do!

The best part about the day was when it started off with everyone in this family snarling at one another. I asked David, "So, what's it going to take for us to get through the next 72 hours still loving each other?" He smiled and shrugged. A little bit later, after both our children had been driven to tears by each of us, I suggested praying might be a good idea. We did and it was.

The rest of the day, instead of stealing caustic words and vicious stares, we stole kisses and loving glances. It turned an otherwise knock-down, top-10 most stressful day ever into somewhat of a joy. That's the power of prayer, my friends!

At the end of the day I made our "To-Do List For Monday." I think I officially figured out how to send David over the edge. It is LOOOOONG. We went through it marking what HAD to be done by US and we will start there. HOPEFULLY the time-space continuum will pause briefly today and allow us to get enough done that my friends who have offered to help finish our list this week before P&S arrive won't feel abused. Hey, it could happen. God stopped the sun for a few hours in the OT didn't He??

My hope is to post one more time before we leave. If not, I will do my best to post ASAP to tell you how today went! Remember what I said about prayer and it's power and shoot some our way today!


  1. Woke up shooting some prayers your way for today, my friend. Oh, and for me too. ;) Will see you later!

  2. I did too but will continue :) Love,Stacy
