Chronicling the experience of a New England Family spending a year living in the Loire Valley of France.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Snapshots from Chinon

Here's some photos from Chinon today!

Chinon as seen from the Chateau. Cravant is off to the left (but you can't see it).

The promenade along the River Vienne

This part of the city is considered the "medieval part," but it was hard to tell where it stopped and the rest of the city started. Some of the signs indicated parts dating back to the 12th century!

Don't you just love it!

I don't think it gets any more French than this.

Le Chateau. Wish I could tell you the name, but we didn't go inside, so I don't know!

Just a typical street in Chinon. YES - cars do actually drive on this. Pedestrians have to practically scale the walls to avoid being hit!

When the castle fell into disrepair (17th century), government officials and important types began being hosted in this lovely place. Now it is the home of a lawyer. Something to shoot for, Mike & Crystal!

For you, Lauryn. Doesn't the skirt fit right in?!


  1. So happy you arrived safe and sound, enjoying the posts already. The pictures are beautiful, what memories you are making! Can't wait to see pictures of every season! Steph

  2. HAHAHAHAHA! The something I'm shooting for at this point is a little more than 1000 square feet for 7 people! But in my dreams...

  3. Yay! I don't know what you did, but I was able to see all the pictures. How beautiful.

  4. that last photo! ;)
    p.s. Let me know when you receive your letters.

  5. From Jason -
    I will not be jealous, I will not be jealous, I won't, I won't, I WON'T!
